How to Make Outdoor Hanging Planters

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Hanging planters are the ultimate space-savers, allowing you to cultivate a garden in even the smallest of areas. Add a flourish of greenery to your outdoor living space with bespoke hanging planters—a charming way to highlight your home’s exterior aesthetic. Whether you’re an experienced or a novice looking to harness the beauty of nature, creating your own outdoor hanging planters can be a simple yet immensely satisfying project.

Ahead, we’ll guide you through everything from selecting the right location to choosing suitable plant species, and of course, the steps to making your very own outdoor hanging planter.

Choosing the right location

The location of your hanging planters can significantly impact their growth and vitality. Take into account elements like exposure to sunshine, the direction of the wind, and the ease of watering. An area that receives morning sun but is shaded during the hottest part of the day is ideal for most plants.

Selecting Suitable Plant Species

Pick plant species that thrive in your local climate and the specific conditions of your selected spot. Petunias, ferns, and succulents are great choices for hanging planters due to their resilience and minimal root space requirements.

Materials Needed

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials to ensure your DIY project sprouts without a hitch:

  • Sturdy pots or containers with drainage holes
  • Heavy-duty rope or chains
  • Hooks or brackets for hanging
  • Potting soil
  • Plants of choice (succulents, herbs, flowers, etc.)
  • Drill (if your pots lack drainage holes)
  • Scissors or gardening shears

Step 1: Prepare Your Pots

If your container doesn’t have drainage holes, you’ll need to create some. Use a drill to make three or four tiny holes in the container’s bottom. This is crucial for preventing water-logged soil which can kill your plants.

Step 2: Attaching Chains or Ropes

For pots with rims, you can attach three chains equidistant from each other by using S-hooks. Just clip the S-hooks around the rim. For rimless pots, drill three equidistant holes around the top edge of the pot, and attach the chains or ropes directly to these holes. Ensure the chains or ropes are of equal length for a balanced hang.

Step 3: Add Soil and Plant

Before adding your plant, consider placing a layer of gravel or broken pot pieces at the bottom to improve drainage. Fill the pot with suitable potting soil for your chosen plant, leaving about an inch of space from the top.

The plant should be carefully taken out of its nursery container and planted in the ground, adding more soil around it as needed. Press lightly to secure the plant and water gently.

Step 4: Find the Perfect Spot

Choose a location where your planters will thrive. When choosing a location, take your plants’ needs for light into account. Once you’ve found the perfect location, use sturdy hooks or brackets to hang your planters. Ensure the structure can support the weight of the planter, especially after watering.

Step 5: Care for Your Plants

Water your hanging plants regularly, as they may dry out faster than ground planters, especially during hot days. Regular fertilization and pruning can encourage healthy growth. Rotate your planters occasionally to ensure all sides receive equal sunlight.

Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

Hanging planters do more than enchant the eye. They’re also powerful tools for cultivating biodiversity, improving air quality, and even providing healing properties, as many plants offer therapeutic benefits. Moreover, they’re a practical solution for vegetables and growing herbs in limited spaces, encouraging a sustainable lifestyle with homegrown produce.

Maintenance Tips

Consistent care is the key to flourishing hanging planters. Prune your plants to encourage growth, periodically refresh the soil, and ensure consistent watering. Also, rotate your planters once in a while to promote even growth on all sides.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When maintaining your hanging garden, be watchful of the following pitfalls:

  • Weight misjudgment: Always ensure that the chosen spot can handle the weight of the planter, especially after watering.
  • Neglecting root space: Don’t overcrowd plants—each species needs room to grow.
  • Poor water management: Over-watering can be as harmful as under-watering.

Safety Precautions for Hanging Planters

Safety is paramount. When installing your planters, choose hardware capable of supporting the weight, and always opt for quality materials designed for outdoor use to prevent environmental wear and failure.

Seasonal Adjustments for Hanging Planters

As the seasons change, so should your hanging planter care regimen:

  • Adjust watering schedules according to temperature and weather patterns.
  • Transition to seasonal plants to keep your display vibrant year-round.
  • Move sensitive plants indoors or provide cover during extreme weather.


Ideal plants for outdoor hanging planters include petunias, ferns, succulents, ivy, and trailing varieties like pothos or string of pearls. Choose plants based on the light conditions of the intended spot.

Watering frequency depends on the plant type, pot size, and weather conditions. Generally, check the soil moisture every few days and water when the top inch feels dry to the touch.

While you can use various pots, opt for lightweight and durable materials like plastic, fiberglass, or resin. Ensure the pot has drainage holes or be prepared to drill some.

Use sturdy hooks or brackets designed to support the weight of your planter, especially after watering. Ensure they are securely fixed to a structure that can bear the load.

Consider relocating your hanging planters to a sheltered spot during extreme weather. Regular pruning, proper fertilization, and ensuring adequate water can also help them withstand less than ideal conditions.


Making your outdoor hanging planters is a simple and enjoyable project with rewarding results. It allows you to bring your personal touch to your outdoor spaces while enjoying the calming presence of greenery. With the right plants, materials, and a sprinkle of attention and love, your hanging garden will thrive, making any ordinary space extraordinary.

Experiment with different plants, pots, and arrangements to create a stunning outdoor oasis that reflects your style and creativity. Happy planting!

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