How to Make a Hanging Jewelry Organizer

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Creating a hanging jewelry organizer is not just a practical solution to keeping your favorite accessories in easy reach, it’s also a fantastic way to inject a bit of creativity and style into your living space. In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of making a hanging jewelry organizer that not only serves its purpose but also adds flair to your room.

So roll up your sleeves and get ready to transform your jewelry chaos into a masterpiece of organization and design.

Materials Needed

  • Base: Choose a wooden frame, shadow box, or even a sturdy piece of wood. This serves as the backbone of your organizer.
  • Customization Supplies: Think paint, wood stain, or decorative paper to personalize your base.
  • Screening Material: Chicken wire, fabric mesh, or a radiator cover can work depending on your design preference.
  • Hooks and Knobs: These are essential for hanging necklaces and bracelets. Look for small hooks, decorative knobs, or even drawer pulls.
  • Mounting Hardware: A staple gun and staples, and possibly a hammer and nails or a picture hanging kit for mounting your organizer securely.
  • Protective Gear: Gloves to protect your hands while handling wire, and safety glasses when cutting.

Making Your Hanging Jewelry Organizer

Step 1: Selecting Your Base

The first step involves picking the perfect backdrop for your jewelry. This could be anything from a vintage wooden frame that adds a rustic charm, a sleek shadow box for a modern look, or a simple plank of wood for a minimalist aesthetic. The size should reflect the amount of jewelry you plan to organize.

Step 2: Customization

This is where you put your personal stamp on the project. Painting, staining, or covering your base with decorative paper allows you to match the organizer to your room’s decor. If you’re painting or staining, remember to give it plenty of time to dry.

Step 3: Prepping the Screen

Cut your chosen screening material to size, ensuring it fits the back or interior of your base. If you’re working with chicken wire or a metal radiator cover, be sure to wear gloves to avoid any nicks or cuts.

Step 4: Attaching the Screen

Secure your screen to the frame or wood using a staple gun, making sure it’s pulled tightly for a smooth, taut finish. If your base is a shadow box, you can attach the screen to the back of the box, turning it into a door for easy access.

Step 5: Adding Hooks and Knobs

Space out where you want your hooks or knobs to go. This could be on the bottom edge of a frame or along the sides of a wooden base. Attach them securely, considering the weight of the jewelry that will hang on each. For heavier pieces like chunky necklaces, ensure the hooks are well-supported.

Step 6: Final Touches

Add any additional decorative elements you like, such as attaching a piece of fabric behind the screen to create a colorful backdrop or painting designs on the frame. This step is all about personalizing your organizer to your taste.

Step 7: Hang it Up

Find the perfect spot on your wall and use a hammer and nails or a picture hanging kit to hang your organizer. Make sure it’s positioned at a comfortable height for daily use and securely attached to handle the weight of your jewelry.

Step 8: Organize Your Jewelry

Now comes the rewarding part: organizing your jewelry. Hang earrings directly on the screen, drape necklaces and bracelets on the hooks, and admire your handiwork. Not only have you created a functional storage solution, but you’ve also added a beautiful, custom piece to your home decor.

Here is some Explanation:

How to Make a Hanging Jewelry Organizer

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Ignoring weight distribution: Ensure your organizer is well-balanced.
  • Overcrowding: Leave space between items to avoid tangles.
  • Neglecting to secure your organizer properly on the wall.

Benefits of Hanging Jewelry Organizer

  • Space-saving: Utilizes vertical space effectively.
  • Convenience: Keeps your jewelry organized and easily accessible.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Serves as wall art, adding a personal touch to your decor.

Maintenance Tips

  • Regularly dust and wipe down your organizer.
  • Check hooks and attachments periodically to ensure they’re secure.
  • Rotate your jewelry to prevent tarnishing from overexposure to air.


Yes, you can use various screening materials such as fabric mesh, hardware cloth, or even perforated metal panels, depending on the aesthetic you’re going for and the weight of the jewelry you plan to hang.

You’re not limited to paint or stain; feel free to use decorative paper, fabric, washi tape, or even leave the material in its natural state for a minimalist look. Personalization is all about using materials that reflect your style and match your decor.

Consider the amount and type of jewelry you have. If you own many long necklaces, you might prefer a taller frame. For a diverse collection, a larger shadow box could work better to accommodate both hanging and pinned items.

Absolutely! If wall space is limited or you prefer a portable option, consider attaching the organizer to a stand so it can sit on a dresser or mounting it on the inside of a closet door for hidden storage.

Make sure you select a sturdy frame or base and securely attach the screening with staples or nails. For heavier pieces, use stronger materials like a radiator cover or thick mesh, and ensure hooks or knobs are firmly fixed into the frame. Always mount the organizer to the wall with appropriate anchors for added stability.


By following these steps, you’ll be able to create a hanging jewelry organizer that brilliantly combines functionality with personal style. It’s a project that not only solves the problem of tangled necklaces and missing earrings but also turns your jewelry collection into a displayable work of art.

Enjoy the process of crafting something uniquely yours and the daily convenience of having your favorite pieces organized and within reach.

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